
Thursday, December 8, 2016


Bruno, Kowhai and Toby

We would love to hear your thoughts about our documentary.

Sunday, November 27, 2016



Our thoughts about how lies make us feel (pink) and why we think people tell lies (blue). 

Great discussions...

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Tititea Reading Group - Kate Sheppard

This week Tititea Reading Group read an article about  
Kate Sheppard. 

Here is what they found out about her...







Monday, November 7, 2016

Colour Poems

Last Term we wrote a poem about our favourite colour.
We used a template to help write the poem and then
we each published our own poem. 

Sunday, November 6, 2016

Alice In Wonderland

What a hectic week with production rehearsals and three shows. It was a tiring week and Room 11 students ROCKED the stage.  Thanks to all the parents who organised our costumes and got your children to the night shows.  Much appreciated.

The kids were ...


Wednesday, October 19, 2016


'All About Me Bags"

In our "All About Me Bags" we bring 4 things from home that describes me. Here are some items that we have put into our bags. We use our inferencing skills to find out more about our classmates 

What do we know about Toby?
What do we know about Richmond?

What do we know about Ben?



This week we have been looking at tessellation. We now know that tessellation is when we cover a surface with a pattern of flat shapes so that there are no overlaps or gaps. We brainstormed where in our world we see tessellation patterns:

pathways, bathroom tiles, ceiling of the classroom, beehives, 

In groups we had to work together to figure out which shapes can tessellate. This is what we think about tessellating shapes.

Shapes tessellate because if you put them together there will be no gaps. To tessellate you need shapes with at least 2 corners and they should be the same size.
Toby, Jordan, Sophia

These shapes tessellate because some had corners, they were the same size and the same shape.
Faith, Shabeera, Richmond

To tessellate your shape has to have corners and be the same size. If a shape has all curved edges it will not tessellate.
Ben, Lavinia, Abigail and Joshua 

If a shape is all curved on the edges then it is not a tessellating shape.
Jacob, Manisha and Kowhai

The triangles, cylinders and T-shapes all tessellated because there where no gaps and they were all the same size.
Bruno's Group

Shapes that have curved corners don't tessellate. Shapes have to have corners because if they don't they won't tessellate. Jame's Group

Jacob wondered if you could use two shapes to create a tessellating pattern? Mmmm... I wonder?

Monday, September 19, 2016

Is it okay to be different!

Today we read the story "Elmer" and discussed the moral or what the message was in the story.  Here is what we think. Thanks to Mrs Law for the inspiration!!

Thursday, September 15, 2016

Middle School Councillors

The middle school have decided to set up a student councillor. Two councillors from each class will meet every week to discuss any concerns that Year 3 or 4 students have or celebrate any achievements. These discussions will be taken back to each class and discuss any possible solutions. All students get to have their say.

Our Class Councillors
Class Councillors reporting back to the Room 11

??  Problem Solving ??

Getting To Know Room Eleven

This term we will be bringing home a brown paper bag that has been decorated with symbols about me. Every afternoon a Room 11 student will take the bag home and fill it with no more than 4 of their favourite things. The next day they will talk about the things in the bag.

We will use our inferencing skills to learn a little more about our class mates. What do we know about Jordan?

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Chinese Language Week

Easy Blog Photo

Room11's Photo on Tuesday, 13 September 2016

Easy Blog Photo

Chinese Language Week

Easy Blog Photo

Room11's Post on Tuesday, 13 September 2016

Easy Blog Photo
This week is Chinese Language Week. As part of this week we read instructions on how to make Chinese lanterns and worked together to create them. We had some trouble ruling the lines but we persevered and got there.

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Arts Festival - Cultural Identity

It was lovely to see so many Parents of Waikowhai School coming to the Arts Festival to view all the wonderful artwork that has been produced by our awesome students. Here is some of Room Eleven's work.

Our budding artist next to his artwork. 

Abigail found her artwork!

Thursday, August 25, 2016

Water Care

Water Care

Last week, Sally from Water Care visited Rooms 10, 11 and 6 and talked to us about looking after our water. When we let things go down into our storm water drains like soap, oil, food and plastics it ends up in our waterways. We have a number of these drains around our school what lead into local waterways.

Then it was time to go outside and build our own valleys and rivers with stones and plastic and seeing which group could make the fastest river and the deepest valley.

"Water Mongos"

The "7 Water Carers"
The "Aqua Sharks"

 Working Together

   Problem Solving


It is important to pick up our rubbish and not wash paint, oil etc into our storm water drains. This effects all the little creatures living in our waterways.