
Monday, April 11, 2016

Room 11 have been planting poppies for Anzac Day. 

We designed our pots with images of poppies.

With water, love and light we will wait for them to sprout. They will then be ready to plant in the school garden. 

Creating a symbol to represent - INTEGRITY

Last week we each presented our own symbol of integrity to our group. 

As a group we needed to decide on what symbol we were going to use - either by deciding on the best symbol that was presented or by joining everybody's ideas together to create a new symbol. 

We then worked together to create the symbol using play-doh. 

 Creating our symbols using Play-doh

 Putting everybody's ideas together.

Take a look at our symbols that represent Integrity and the thinking behind this symbol.

 We think we are multi structural thinkers because we joined all our thinking together to come up with a new idea!!

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Room 11's Video on Tuesday, 5 April 2016

Today we were looking at a subtraction strategy called "equal adjustment". Lavinia is sharing her mathematical thinking with Ben using this strategy.

Friday, April 1, 2016

Spectacular Room Eleven

Here are the fabulous students who occupy Room Eleven....